[Disclaimer: This page is a game that was set up to complete
a class project. The "public figure" featured is a fictionalization
of a technological gadget.]
"Hello, I am E-Book Eclectic, and I am running for
office against Book Brown. Vote for me! I promise free online subscriptions to
your favorite magazines and newspapers and free songs on I-Tunes."
- E-Book Eclectic
Please support my campaign against Book Brown by posting an
answer to one of these questions:
If an E-Book could talk,
1. What would it say to a hardcover or paperback?
2. What would it say to the "Google Books'"
3. What would it say to the "Amazon" book search?
4. What would an e-book running for office (state or
presidential) say to a rival book candidate?
5. If an e-book were a person (metaphorically speaking) what
would "a day in the life of an e-book" be like?
6. How is an e-book like a person and/or a human?
7. How is a human person like an e-book?
HOW TO WIN THE GAME: The player that can make the e-book or
the character "E-Book Eclectic" seem most realistic, sayings things
that an e-book who was a person would say, wins the game. Disclaimer: winning
in this game is its own reward. Aside from that, there is also the reward of
showing off your cleverness ;)
GAME RULES & TIPS: To make this game interesting try to
think metaphorically of an e-book as a person or of a person as an e-book and
imagine how such an e-book-person would experience the world. You need to make
the e-book-person say things and sound like both a person and like an e-book,
so a good way to get started might be to look at the Wikipedia page for the
e-book to get some ideas for comparisons between people and e-books. Other
ideas: compare e-book psychology (if you can imagine it) to human psychology,
or compare human’s inside machinery to the e-book’s machinery, or find some
other basis for comparison between humans and e-books!
By the way, your answer post can be in the form of text, and
image you have composed, an image with text, or a video clip you have created,
so long as any of these make an attempt to talk about e-books metaphorically as
people =)
Best of luck! May the cleverest win!
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